Monday, July 6, 2009

Tips of the day

To get instant energy and calorie replenishment, eat dried fruits. They are the easiest source of calories and have plenty of iron. They are also handy to carry around.

 Make drinking your habit - get at least 1 litre of fluids per day, to help absorb nutrients better. Water in fluids is the best solvent and a good lubricant for joints. 

 To get instant energy and calorie replenishment, eat dried fruits. They are the easiest source of calories and have plenty of iron. They are also handy to carry around. 
 Avoid junk snacks when struck with in-between-meals hunger pangs. Keep dried fruit and nuts in your desk drawer for nutritious and quick mid-morning or mid-afternoon snacks.
Get yourself food high in fiber, like beans, peas, cereals and breads. Fiber helps the digestion process and inhibit bacteria formation. 

 Maintain the correct posture at work to reduce your stress levels. If you work on a computer, make sure your feet are flat on the floor, your back is straight, and you aren’t tilting your head to look at the computer monitor. Your hands should also be in a comfortably position with the elbows bent at 90 degrees. 

 To liven up your work environment and create a positive experience, keep plants in the office. Research shows that people working in an office with plants feel more attentive to work. 

 Keep up a regular exercise regimen. You can even follow simple routines like biking, dancing to favourite songs, jumping rope or just taking a short walk. 
 Getting enough sleep is necessary for a healthy life. Take a break in between work to get a short nap and see how fresh you feel. 

 If you sit and work in the same position, do some stretch-out exercises every hour or so. You can do simple movements like reaching to the ceiling, turning your head from side to side, rolling your shoulders, arching your back, standing on tiptoe or touching your toes. 

 Regular exercising improves the way you look. Your facial muscles become taught and glow with the extra pumped up blood.  

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