Sunday, March 1, 2009

(Botanical Name - Eclipta alba)

Family: Compositae

Origin of Herbs:This tropical annual is a creeping and moisure-loving herb; it has a short, flat or round, brown stem and small white flowers on a long stalk. It grows 3" tall; the leaves are opposite and lance-shaped.Eclipta grows abundantly in the tropics and is used with success in Ayurvedic medicine.

Habitat/Occurrence: In paddy growing areas of India, it occurs as common weed. In many parts of India it is grown commercially as a medicinal crop.

Stem: Stems and branches are hairy.

Leaves: Opposite, sessile, oblong- lanceolate; also strigose and hairy.

Flowers: In heads, involucral bracts, axillary, ray flowers ligulate; disk ones tubular.

Flowering Time: October to December in Indian conditions.Fruit: Achene.

Useful Parts: Whole plant.

Healing power and curative properties : Eclipta alba is mainly used in hair oils, but it has been considered a good drug in hepatotoxicity. In hair oils, it may be used alongwith Centela asiatica (Brahmi) and Phyllanthus emblica (Amla). It may be used to prevent habitual abortion and miscarriage and also in cases of post-delivery uterine pain. A decoction of leaves is used in uterine haemorrhage. The juice of the plant with honey is given to infants with castor oil for expulsion of worms. For the relief in piles, fumigation with Eclipta alba is considered beneficial.

The paste prepared by mincing fresh plants has got an anti-inflammatory effect and may be applied to insect bites, stings, swellings and other skin diseases. But in Ayurveda, it is mainly used in hair oil.Hair Problem:For healthy black and long hair the plant is commonly used in hair oils all over India

Loss of appetite:Fresh juice of leaves is used for increasing appetite, improving digestion and mild bowel regulator.

Liver disorders:It is commonly used in viral hepatitis to promote bile flow and protect the parenchyma.

enhancer:It is commonly used to enhance memory and learning.

Other uses: The plant has a reputation as an anti aging agent in Ayurveda. It is also used as a general tonic for debility. Externally it is used for inflammation, minor cuts and burns and the fresh leaf juice is considered very effective in stopping bleeding. Leaf juice mixed with honey is also used for children with upper respiratory infection. It is used in eye and ear infections.