Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Garlic : Natural Remedies

Garlic ( Allium Sativum) belongs to the family Liliaceae. The plant has leaves which are long, narrow and flat like grass. The bulb is of a compound nature, consisting of numerous bulblets, known technically as 'cloves,' grouped together between the membraneous scales and enclosed within a whitish skin, which holds them as in a sac.

It is referred to by different names in ayurveda . The names describe its qualities. It is known as Rasona (Rasena vunaha = as it is devoid of amla rasa or sour taste) Ugraghandhi ( ugra Gandhi = as it has strong pungent smell )

It has Snigdha (sticky), teekshna (penetrating) , pichhila (slimy), guru (heavy), sara (quickly spreading) qualities. It has all rasas (tastes) except amla (sour).
It reduces kapha and vata but it should be used with lot of precautions in persons who have pitta prakruti and in patients who are suffering from rakta, pitta disorders.

Garlic contains pungent, volatile, essential oil. This oil is a sulphide of radical Allyl. The intensely smelling allyl compound has such a diffusive property that even when the crushed bulb is rubbed to the soles of the feet, its odor is exhaled by the lungs after some time.

Acharya charaka has said that garlic is an effective remedy in conditions like intestinal worm infestations, skin disorders, low libido and erectile dysfunction.

Acharya Sushruta has appreciated the uses of this herb in skin disorders, low libido and erectile dysfunction.. It also improves memory, modulates voice, enhances complexion, improves eye sight, strengthens bones and joints, improves digestion and regularizes bowel movement. It is very useful in cardiac diseases too.
As an antibiotic:
Many marvelous effects and healing powers have been ascribed to Garlic. Garlic is popularly known as ?nature's antibiotic ?.As an antiseptic, its use has long been recognized. It is very effective against fungus, Yeast and viral infections. It is said to prevent anthrax in cattle, being largely used for the purpose.

As an expectorant:
Garlic reduces increased kapha. Garlic syrup is an excellent medicine for asthma, hoarseness of voice, coughs, difficulty in breathing, and most other disorders pertaining to the lungs. As this promotes expectoration it is very useful in chronic bronchitis. Garlic is a very good remedy for whooping cough.

As a cholesterol reducing agent:
Many publications have shown that garlic supports the cardiovascular system. According to them it lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, inhibits platelet stickiness and slows blood coagulation. It is mildly antihypertensive and has antioxidant activity.

As an antihypertensive:
Garlic is considered as one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. It eases the spasm of small arteries and reduces the pressure on them.

As a remedy in digestive disorders
Garlic stimulates peristaltic action and the secretion of the digestive juices. It eliminates body toxins. It has an antimicrobial effect and is an excellent remedy for intestinal infections. It expels intestinal worms.

As an anti inflammatory:
Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. It is effectively used to cure arthritis, migraine and other inflammatory conditions.

Garlic in skin Disorders:
A regular consumption of garlic purifies blood and reduces minor skin infections.

Garlic and cancer:
Few studies suggest that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of esophageal, colon and stomach cancer. This may be partly due to garlic?s ability to reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds.

Garlic as an aphrodisiac:
Garlic is said to be a tonic for impotence. It also treats sexual debility caused by over indulgence in sex and nervous exhaustion. It is said to be very useful in older men.
Garlic has always been known as an aphrodisiac. It can improve blood circulation significantly. According to recent studies an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase (NOS) appears to be responsible for the mechanism of erection. Researches on garlic have shown that garlic can stimulate production of this enzyme.

Garlic in pregnancy
New research shows that consuming garlic during pregnancy can reduce the risk of raised blood pressure in pregnancy (Pre-eclampsia). Studies have shown that garlic may help to boost the birth-weight of babies.

Action of garlic in Herpes:
In future garlic may find its place in treatment of genital herpes. It was found that the oral or topical application of garlic or garlic extract markedly reduced the outbreak of the genital herpes virus.

Home remedies with garlic
1.Used in cookery it is a great aid to digestion, and keeps the mucosal coats of the stomach healthy.

2.A clove or two of Garlic, pounded with honey and taken two or three nights successively, is effective rheumatism.

3.Grind few cloves of garlic and pour ? cup of boiled water on it. Add this infusion to sugar syrup . This is an excellent cough expectorant to children and elderly adults.

4.when sniffed , it greatly helps in relieving hysteria.

5.Garlic juice taken with hot water twice a daily relieves asthma attacks.

6.Three cloves of garlic boiled with milk taken every day at night cures productive cough and bronchitis.
7.10 drops of garlic juice with 2 teaspoon of honey reduces the acuteness of asthmatic symptoms. It can also be administered at the time of attack.

8.Taking garlic juice with fresh water regularly reduces high blood pressure

9.Half a clove of raw garlic consumes each day can increase body activity to dissolve blood clots, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Precautions and adverse effects :
Some may experience heartburn and flatulence when they consume garlic. Individuals who are consuming anti coagulant drugs should consult their dietician before consuming garlic products as garlic has anti coagulant property. It should be used cautiously by individuals who have bleeding disorders. Garlic should never be consumed during migraine headache. Avoid rubbing garlic on skin as it causes burns and peeling of skin.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tonsillitis ( Inflammation of Tonsils)

Tonsillitis is a common enough affliction, especially in childhood. It is caused by an inflammation of the tonsils bought on by coming into contact and thus contracting an external infection.
At one time the only cure practiced was the immediate and total removal of the afflicted area and whilst this is still not uncommon, if the patient suffers from persistent bouts then the tonsils will still be removed, these days there are many herbal remedies and treatments that can both alleviate the condition and prevent further outbreak.This is a very simple home remedy for the most comman throat pain which most of us experience very often.

There are many reasons for this.Execessive stain to your vocal chords, change of weather ,change of drinking water,pain associated with tonsilitis, pain caused due to severe cold,caused due to excessive cool drinks or other frosen food consumtion etc.There are many simple remidies for this small problem .It all depends on severiety of the pain.

Here are various remedies which you can try.

1.)-.Take about 4-5 pepper corns.-Add 1/2 tsp of sugar to it and chew it properly and swallow it.This acts as a very good medicine for soare throat, voice crack, difficulty do speek during these conditions etc.
2.)-Take 2 cups of water , add 2-3 tsp of roughly powdered peppercorns. Bring this to a boil-Now to this you add 3 drops of ghee,then a inch piece of jagerry powdered plus 1/2 tsp of jeera(cumin)-Now simmer and reduce it to 1/4 cup.Filter it and i recommend to have this when its warm and sip by sip.This also helps in mild cough,cold and releives nasal bolckage also.It relieves head ache and also the nasal congestion

3.)Just add about 1tsp of triphala churna into about 20 ml of luke warm water and gargle with this solution about 10 min each time for about 4 times a day.

4)If the condition is of very severe throat pain Then i suggest Salt water gargling i.e warm water stired up with 1-2 tsp preferably rocksalt .And gargle with this for atleast 2 times a day.There is a very quick relieving medicine in ayurvedic practise .I would love to tell if some one needs it.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ashwagandha : stress reliever


Scientific Name : Withania Somnifera

Ashwagandha has a long medicinal history stemming back 4000 years. Ashwagandha is a vital drug in Ayurveda or Indian traditional medicine. This particular herb was used to treat various infectious diseases as well as tremors and inflammation especially arthritis.

Ashwagandha is a beautiful delicate plant native to India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Defined by deep green leaves, branched limbs, and topped by seeded yellow flowers. Ashwagandha is a stunning in appearance and of vital importance in Ayurveda or Indian Medicine. Withania Somnifera has a long history, about 4000 years, as a holistic herb used to treat a variety of ailments.

Historically these ailments include :
Infectious Diseases
Sexual Enhancing

The shoots of the Ashwagandha shrub are used in in food and in India seeds of the Ashwagandha are used to thicken milk. African tribes also use Withania Somnifera to treat fevers, and other inflammations. Ashwagandha is usually crushed and used in a traditional Ayurvedic formula called shilajit. Ashwagandha has similar properties as ginseng. Ashwagandha is heat neutral which means it has no warming or cooling properties. Unlike ginseng which is a warming herb.
The active ingredients in Ashwagandha are alkaloids and withanoloids. It the withanoloids within Ashwagandha that give it all it's medicinal qualities. Withanoloids consist of steroidal molecules which act to fight inflammation. Aswagandha is often compared to Asian ginseng which contain molecules like withanoloids called ginsenosides. For this reason Aswagandha is occasionally called Indian ginseng. Therefore, both ginseng and Ashwagandha stimulate the immune system, stop inflammation, increase memory, and helps maintain general healthy and wellness.

Also it is known to increase the production of bone marrow, semen, and inhibit's the aging process. The modern medical uses of Ashwagandha are varied. One area in which it has been helpful is in the treatment of mental health issues. One study in particular gave 30 anxiety sufferers 40 ml doses twice a day of a solution with it's major ingredient of Withania Somnifera. After 30 days, all anxiety symptoms including panic attacks and paranoia had virtually disappeared. American therapists have also found the herb useful in treating depression. Alcohol dependency, and schizophrenia. Also, when Ashwagandha is taking regularly memory and learning skills increase dramatically.
Many studies have been conducted to see the effects of Ashwagandha on tumors, arthritis, and other forms of inflammation. The studies proved that Ashwagandha acts as an anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory agent. It's naturally occurring steroidal content is much higher than that of hydrocortisone which is a common treatment in cancer cases.
When taking Ashawagandha, like any medicine to be careful. Overuse and abuse of a herbal medication can be equally as dangerous and deadly as with any traditional medicine.

Things to remember:
If congested, do not take.
Do not use if pregnant, breast feeding, complications are unknown.
Talk to a doctor before using as adjunct treatment for AIDS, and cancer.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Menstural Disorders

A menstrual disorder is a physical or emotional problem that interferes with the normal menstrual cycle, causing pain, with heavy or light bleeding. This is menorrhagia.

Menorrhagia is unusually heavy or long menstrual periods. Women with menorrhagia may soak through one or more sanitary pads or tampons an hour for several consecutive hours, or have periods that last longer than seven days.

Menorrhagia can be a cause for concern because heavy bleeding can lead to an iron deficiency, and ultimately result in anemia. It may sometimes be accompanied by other symptoms, which may indicate that an underlying condition is present like acne, excessive hair growth and rapid weight gain.

According to Ayurveda, Vata is the main dosha responsible for this menstrual disorder.This disorder can be temporary or permanent. In addition, many women experience some variation in menstrual cycle symptoms from one month to the next. The disorder can even interfere with a woman’s ability to get involved in routine activities like attending work and sleep. Certain menstrual disorders may also interfere with a woman’s ability to become pregnant.

Various causes for menorrhagia can be listed as under:
1) The use of certain forms of contraception - Intrauterine devices (IUDs) can cause menorrhagia in some women.

2) A disorder in which the tissue that lines the uterus becomes implanted outside the uterus( Endometriosis). The condition can lead to menorrhagia.3) Uterine disorders. Uterine fibroids can also cause menorrhagia.

4) Adenomyosis is a condition in which glands from the endometrium become implanted in the uterine muscle and may cause unusually heavy periods.

5) Thyroid disorders. Having a slow thyroid (hypothyroidism) can lead to menorrhagia

6) Medications. The use of certain medications (e.g., anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory medications) may cause hormonal imbalances, resulting in heavy bleedingAyurveda suggests certain dietary changes which can help in treating or at least reducing the effect of the disorder.

It suggests aiming for a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Cut down on salt to prevent bloating and sugar which may cause your blood glucose levels to swing, affecting your energy and appetite. It may help to cut back on fat which can encourage breast swelling, and caffeine and alcohol, as both can cause mood swings

.Ayurvedic herbal remedies for heavy periods or menorrhagia are safe, natural and effective.There are various ayurvedic remedies available for the treatment of the disorder are as under:

Powders Based RemediesPushyanuga Churna:Pushyanuga powder is the most popular herbal powder for menorrhagia.

Pradaranashaka Churna:Pradaranashaka powder is extremely useful in heavy periods as it has all of its ingredients plus some extra herbs to arrest bleeding.

Decoctions Based RemediesDarvyadi Kwatha:Darvyadi is beneficial as menstrual regulator. It is helpful in excessive menstrual bleeding as well.

Pradarantaka Kwatha:Pradarantaka consists of four ayurvedic herbs - all useful for arresting excess menstrual bleeding.

Asava Arishta Based RemediesAshokarishta:This is ayurvedic herbal remedy with autogenous fermented alcohol with Ashoka as the chief ingredient.

Lodhrasava:Combination of antiseptic, bitter and astringent herbs makes it a great remedy for menstrual bleeding disorders.

Patrangasava:Astringent and Uterine tonic herbs is very effective in painful menstruation and heavy periods.

Ushirasava:This is ayurvedic remedy for bleeding disorders resulting from Pitta aggravation and blood related disorders.

Clarified Butter Based RemediesAshoka Ghrita:Ashoka and other rejuvenative herbs based ayurvedic formulation is great for menstrual disorders and associated weakness.

Durvadi Ghrita:Durvadi ghrita is Durva based ayurvedic remedy for bleeding disorders.

Sukumara Ghrita:This polyherbal combination bring back the hormonal balance in women body.

Jelly Form of Remedies

Jeerakadi Avaleha:This is herbal jelly with Jeerak and Lodhra as the chief ingredients.

Vasaharitaki Avaleha:Vasa and Terminalia chebula based herbal jelly is used to arrest excessive bleeding

.Ayurvedic Mineral Remedies

Chandraprabha Vati:This is the formulation of Shilajita, Loha bhasma, guggul and several other herbs
.Pradarantaka Rasa:This is a formulation of herbs and ayurvedic minerals with Loha bhasma as main ingredient. It is good for all types of 'female related abnormal discharges'. Hemoglobin level is restored as it has ayurvedic calcined iron

Pradararipu Rasa:This is useful for Menorrhagia as it normalizes the bleeding and maintains the healthy condition of female reproductive organs.

Pradarari Loha:This is an extremely useful ayurvedic herbal remedy for heavy periods.

Doctor Panickers Kadaleerasayanam: This is a formulation of Kadhalipazham as main ingredients . It is good for all types of 'female related abnormal discharges', is very effective in painful menstruation and heavy periods. Prolonged use will result a well maintained body and soul.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Susrutha has defined Vajeekarana tanthra as the branch which deals with management of defective semen and spermatogenesis along with sexual potencification. (su. su 1/8)According to Indu-gratification, sound health, progeny and instant pleasure are the merits of Vajeekarana. So Vajeekarana encompasses fertility, sexuality as well as positive health.

Hence Vajeekarana is a must for all those who are on the threshold of starting an active sexual life or those who wish to continue their sexual life in a better way. Vajeekarana= enhancing ones capacity to perform sex like a vaji (horse) [ca. ci-2]The treatment by which a man becomes as strong like a horse in the sexual act is called Vajeekarana. the word Vajee in sanskrit means Horse, and also seminal fluid including spermatozoa.

The purpose of Vajeekarana is three fold.To increase strength of the sexual organs in men.To improve quantity and quality of seminal fluid.To improve fertility of sperm for reproduction.In olden days a person without projeny was not respected in society and was hated for impotency. Therefore the Vajeekarana treatment was very important.To whom should Vajeekarana be given ?It should be administered in man who is well disciplined and with control of his mind and senses.

Vajeekarana should not be done to spread sin or transistory feeling in society. it is administered in male of 25 years old and in married man who requires the treatment.Woman was considered only as a receptacle of that act and hence was a passive partner. All the medicines at improving the act were aimed at the male. The woman was considered the ultimate Vajeekarana dravya. features of an ideal woman for copulation has been explained (A.S.U 50/67, jejjata). Interestingly, positive mentality and sex education are also among the required qualities. Men have many mis conceptions relatited to sex. The ability to perform is directly linked to “maleness”. They do not understand that sex is highly personalized activity.

This concsept was understood by Charaka. He states that sexual performance of men can be compared to different species of animal kingdom. Some have less sexual act but ejaculate more semen like elephants, some perform repeated number of sexual act and so on. (ca. ci)SUKRA DOSHA AND VAJEEKARANAVajeekarana may not be complete if sukra doshas are not discussed. This is because it is the sukra that is responsible for conception. (ca. ci. 30/153, ca. ci. 30/139-144)Sukra and rethas are two terms which one usually comes across in Vajeekarana. The deficiency of sukra leads to lack of virility, masculinity and potency. Rethas is the ejaculate which comes out during intense coital pleasure. ( the classics have dealt with Vajeekarana treatment.

This include as treating the mind as well as body. Charaka has made a separate segment, Vajeekarana pada consisting of 4 chapters. 50 Vajeekarana yogas are mentioned in these chapters. Atmagupta, Shatavari, Ashvagandha, Bala, Gokshura etc. The advent of Rasasasthra brought forth the usage of drugs like Shilajith, Yashada, Swarna in Vajeekarana Chikitsa. They are helpful in many problems like erectile disfunctions, lack of desire although not in all conditions.